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Timber Sales

For many landowners, successful timber sales and harvests are a primary ownership goal.

F&W Forestry Services helps you achieve your timber sale goals, from pre-harvest valuations to connecting your timber to the best markets and maximizing profit.

You can expect our local forestry team to:

Our Timber Sale & Harvest Planning Services

Sale Layout & Timber Marketing

Our team conducts thorough pre-harvest valuations of your timber. Your timber valuation report will evaluate the stands on your property and include essential data points such as tree species, age, condition, and more.

During the valuation phase, we work with you to:

  • Identify the quality of timber on your property
  • Create a comprehensive management plan
  • Establish timber sale prescriptions to achieve your goals
  • Implement a comprehensive marketing strategy to match your timber to the best markets

Evaluating Your Timber with the Latest Technology

F&W Forestry uses advanced technologies to assist in timber harvest forecasting, property surveillance, and more.

  • Custom mobile applications for data collection and land inspections
  • Intuitive dashboards to view project status and preliminary results in near real-time
  • Advanced surveillance to ensure the security of your timber and property
  • UAV to create high-resolution georeferenced property images

These technologies assist us in evaluating your stand areas and assessing pest or natural disaster damages.

Harvest Management & Supervision

Sale Layout & Timber Marketing

During your timber harvest, our team will be on-site and involved with each step to ensure the job is done right.

Our harvest management services include:

  • Harvest inspections and reporting
  • Harvest area and Streamside Management Zone (SMZ) delineation
  • BMP compliance audits
  • Timber marking
two foresters collaborating and looking at a map on the job

Wood Security

Your land and timber are financial investments that require protection. F&W Forestry can provide timber theft protection through wood security systems and electronic surveillance. We also keep tabs on your property to ensure your timber stays healthy and on track for harvest.

You can expect our foresters to:

  • Oversee road maintenance and construction
  • Reestablish and mark property boundaries
  • Manage drone services to monitor the health and condition of your forest
  • Conduct annual inspections, including follow-up reporting and recommendations, to ensure your forestry goals are being met
a view of a road running through a forest

Environmental Compliance

Our team can provide sustainability auditing services to ensure environmental compliance.

These services include:

  • Conduct Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) during property transactions
  • Evaluate land liabilities and other ecological problems
  • Assist in evaluating seller ESA documents
a forest with some fallen trees

Why Choose F&W Forestry Services for Timber Sales?

F&W manages millions of acres of timberland, and we proudly provide comprehensive timber harvest support for private landowners, TIMOs, and other investment organizations.

Our decades of experience, paired with our local foresters’ knowledge of the region and industry, gives F&W the advantage to help you succeed.

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